I do as much feminist interpretation of scripture as the next person, but so much of the creation and fall, I don't understand.
"thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
I don't understand why I was put into this situation.
Where is justice.
Thanks for coming to the Women & Mormonism chat a few weeks ago. I really liked your comments, and am curios as to some of those books that Christ Foster lent you. Also, Austin asked me about the papers I had in hand, but I noticed you had some papers too. What were those?
I've added you to the sidebar of my blog, let me know if you'd rather not be listed there.
Hi Shelley,
It's Demaree. I just read your post, and I can give you some advice :). Hopefully you've heard this from your parents already.
The temple. That's the answer. It's amazing what I've learned about my role as a woman in the church at the Temple. Then endowment and other ordinances really clear the confusion if you pay close attention :). You're gonna love all the answers you'll get there :). Hope this helps!
Honestly, the temple is great but it didn't help my understanding with this at all because there is still a gender hierarchy that drove me crazy that I couldn't go for a few months until I calmed down about the whole thing and had some heart to hearts with my husband and a few other feminist female friends who had the same issues. Now I feel a little better about it but for awhile it was rough. I think it's still a cultural tradition and I think that Joseph Smith was trying to put into place something he didn't completely understand and it was difficult for him to put it in such a context that the people would understand and tolerate it. Just the fact that it's changed dramatically in the past few decades is a testament to our changing cultural beliefs on gender roles and how Heavenly Father is accomodating that by giving us further knowledge.
I really like Elder and Sister Hafen's talk on this that pretty much says this is a mistranslation. Where it says "rule over thee" it really means "rule with thee".
The exact quote: "Genesis 3:16 states that Adam is to “rule over” Eve, but this doesn’t make Adam a dictator. A ruler can be a measuring tool that sets standards. Then Adam would live so that others may measure the rightness of their conduct by watching his. Being a ruler is not so much a privilege of power as an obligation to practice what a man preaches. Also, over in “rule over” uses the Hebrew bet, which means ruling with, not ruling over."
Read the talk: http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f318118dd536c010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=8365f3782aef3110VgnVCM100000176f620a____&hideNav=1
Hope that helps.
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